Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vision Extreme Plus Is Extreme Thirst A Symptoms Of Renal Failure…plus Dry Eyes

Is extreme thirst a symptoms of renal failure…plus dry eyes - vision extreme plus

What are the symptoms of kidney failure, and how long I have until I die?

My systems .... Abdominal pain from three inches to the right of the navel of the thumb (on the right) ADA minor in my back and a slight pain or discomfort and pain in his right leg ... extreme thirst, I does not control ... the left side of my face is numb (feels tight) urine is inoperative, the same ... crying without tears in my eyes or yawning loss of appetite some dizziness blurred vision, no swelling of the feet and legs woke up with ACH in my hands, but saw no swelling

I saw the doctor yesterday and my blood work today or tomorrow, at which time, if the instant-messaging systems to kidney failure or stroke, are similar ... colud a B-Reallood infection, I feel this


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